Leena works as your partner, exploring issues that might be in the way of moving forward, helping you to process and release the old, assisting you in identifying any old emotional patterns of pain, grief, fear that still reside in the body, perhaps presenting as physical pain or discomfort. As the old is released, there is a new space within which to create a healthier and happy body and to live from a more authentic place.
Leena enjoys working collaboratively with physicians, psychotherapists and integrative psychiatrists to optimize the patient’s results and recovery.
Reiki Master Level IV and Certified Reiki teacher training by:
Reiki Master and Professor at Boston University and Reiki Master Carol Sabick from Madrid.
Transcutaneous Acupuncture Bliss Oil Practitioner, Shealy Wellness/Holos University.
Clinical Applications of Energy Medicine, Shealy Wellness/ Holos University.
Studied and trained in Body/Mind Medicine by:
Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D., PhD. Personal mentorship, which included name only test subjects for intuitive diagnosis. Medical Intuition, Transcutaneous Acupuncture/Bliss, Energy Medicine.
Dr. Caroline Myss, PhD. Medical Intuition.
Dr. Bernie Siegel, Yale School of Medicine. Participated in a small cancer support group over the course of a year, during the time when Dr. Siegel was pioneering protocols in mind body medicine and the use of imagery for the cancer patient.
Dr. Herbert Benson, Harvard School of Medicine. The Relaxation Response Training, Biofeedback Training, Principles of Psychoneuroimmunology.
Dr. Joan Borshenko, Harvard.
Dr. Deepak Chopra. Participated in a special week long intensive designed exclusively for healers, Omega Institute.
Trained in Medical Intuitive Development by:
Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D., PhD
Caroline Myss, PhD
Karen Kassy
Dr. Belleruth Napperstek, PhD. Collaborated with Belleruth Napperstek of Health Journeys, New York Times bestselling author and pioneer in the medical use of guided imagery, in writing the script for her guided imagery tape, Mastering Menopause.
Dr. Judith Orloff
Trained in Transformational Technologies by:
Dr. Louise Hay
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Gregg Braden
Bruce Lipton
Brian Weiss
Oneness University
Innovator of a Pre- and Post-Op protocol to help prepare patients for surgery, addressing emotional and pain issues, employing guided imagery in preparation for surgery and reduced blood loss and for positive expectancy, hands on energy work for post-operative wound healing, reduction of post-operative edema, and reintegration into their lives.
Innovator of And Baby Makes Three Concepts for Conception.
Innovator of To See the Unseen, Intuitive Development for Healthcare Professional.
Presented to oncologists and surgeons at UVA on complementary and integrative medicine and integrating energy medicine in the hospital setting.
Created, founded, and was Director of Downtown Healing Arts Center, an urban center with seven offices for healing arts practitioners in Charlottesville, Virginia, which included a nationally certified school of herbal medicine, a doctor in Chinese medicine, acupuncturists, cranial sacral, zero balancing and massage therapists, medical intuitives, reiki and healing touch practitioners.
Taught 3D Anatomical Intuitive Diagnosis and Energy Medicine in Western North Carolina.
30 years of Hospice experience, trained in home care and bereavement. Former member of the Heartsong Complementary Therapies Team for Hospice and HIV patients, and a volunteer specializing in working with imminent death patients at Solace in Asheville, North Carolina.
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